
EarthFresh has made a smart, sustainable choice! Consumers want products they can feel good about, and the value in the packaging is the first thing they’ll see. That means there’s a huge push for sustainable packaging right now, from both consumers and brands, and it’s on full display in the produce aisle. To answer the growing demand for a sustainable circular plastic packaging economy, EarthFresh has debuted a set of bags made entirely of CLAF® Biobased Fabric™ for their mini potatoes and baby sweet potatoes.

The company sees it as a responsible choice, too. “Our strong commitment to corporate responsibility defines the way we do business and the role we play in our community,” said Jessica Hughes, Director of Innovation. “The mesh in these new bags is derived from a highly renewable resource and is 100 percent recyclable. We are excited to bring sustainable products to the market.”

USDA Certified Biobased and derived from a sustainable source; sugarcane, CLAF® Biobased Fabric™ will hold EarthFresh 1.5 lb Organic Mixed Baby Potatoes, 1 lb Organic Baby Sweet Potatoes, and 1.5 lb Baby Sweet Potatoes. It’s just another step in the company’s commitment to drive sustainable innovation in the produce industry. With a newly-created team in charge of projects just like this one, EarthFresh is working to make changes that benefit the environment and their earth-conscious customers.

If you want to learn more about sustainable, recyclable CLAF® Biobased Fabric™, reach out to our team. We’ll gladly discuss how this sturdy mesh can fit into your packaging application.

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